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Internal Switch Switch E1 Rack Location E01 Function Switch Manufacturer 3Com...
Nobreak UPS E1 Rack Location E02 E03 Function power supply for nodes 55 62 switch Manufacturer APC...
Nobreak UPS E2 Rack Location E04 E05 Function power supply for nodes 63 70 Manufacturer APC Model...
Worker Node Node 55 Rack Location E06 LAN FQDN node55.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 56 Rack Location E07 LAN FQDN node56.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 57 Rack Location E08 LAN FQDN node57.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 58 Rack Location E09 LAN FQDN node58.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 59 Rack Location E10 LAN FQDN node59.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 60 Rack Location E11 LAN FQDN node60.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 61 Rack Location E12 LAN FQDN node61.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 62 Rack Location E13 LAN FQDN node62.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 64 Rack Location E15 LAN FQDN node64.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 65 Rack Location E16 LAN FQDN node65.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 67 Rack Location E18 LAN FQDN node67.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 68 Rack Location E19 LAN FQDN node68.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 69 Rack Location E20 LAN FQDN node69.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 70 Rack Location E21 LAN FQDN node70.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
EDAnalyzer mini course The analyses using the CMSSW framework for AOD or miniAOD begins with the creation of a EDAnalyzer (nanoAOD is basically a ROOT TTree). The...
ENFPC 2019 Informa...
e Planet Program General Instructions Original Document From: Veronica Riquer Date: 6 April 2011 14:06:31 GMT 02:00 Subject: EPLANET update IMPORTANT! IRSES is...
ESP 2011 Balance Total months of service needed: 7 X 3 21 Months 1,743 FTE Total months of service accounted for: 17,1 Months 1,420 FTE Outstanding...
ESP 2012 Number of Authors 8 Required Months of Service 8X3 24 Months Individual Pledges CMS Members Project Author Pledged...
ESP General Notes CMS Service Policies For existing members: For each CMS publications signing member including graduate students 6 months of 100% effort towards...
EdinburghSpraceGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP SergioNovaes,cleonido,ThiagoTomei, FlaviaDias...
EduardoBach 20 Aug 2007 Eduardo Bach Undergraduate Student Physics University of S...
Analysis Papers Paper Drafts The current drafts for all CMS analysis papers may be found here. To comment a paper, click on the link `Submit a Comment...
Monte Carlo Production Fast Simulation on CMSSW 10 2 15 Preparation $ ssh $ cmsrel CMSSW 10 2 15 $ cd CMSSW 10 2 15/src $ cmsenv $ mkdir p Configuration...
Physical Analysis Groups Exotica Physics Group This group is responsible for non SUSY searches except UED and little Higgs with T Parity, plus the following SUSY...
VIII DOSAR Workshop in S...
XXXI Encontro Nacional de F...
Eduardo Gregores Twiki Page Atividades no CMS Analysis Notes Papers do CMS em processo de revis...
Bookmarks of EduardoGregores Link: Web.Topic or URL Link Label EduardoCmsMonteCarlo Eduardo Cms Monte...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:TWiki.WebLeftBarCookbook. My links: My home page Personal Information CMS Operation...
Gerenciamento do Twiki Para deletar um user As instru...
Personal Informations Enderecos Casa Alameda Santos 255, apt 82 ^ ^ 01419 000 Sao Paulo SP ^ UFABC Avenida dos Estados, 5001 ^ ^...
SPRACE CMS Operation Useful commands for SPRACE site upkeep Starting and Stopping Services dCache: 1. On spdc00: Log in as root /opt/pnfs...
SPRACE DZero Operations Usefull SAM Commands To get the possible dimensions: sam translate constraints dim help To get the constraints for datasets...
Eduardo Moraes E mail gregores #64; Universidade Federal do ABC Address: Rua Catequese 242 09090 400, Santo Andr...
Experimental High Energy Physics 2015 Syllabus 1 Interactions of Particles and Radiation with Matter ( chp 01) 1 Basic Principles of Electronics ( chp...
Electric Power and Air Conditioning Consumption Ramon: Pot...
Efficiency and fake rate of the cut based electron ID for Run 2. Samples Signal samples from the CSA production can be found in DAS, by typing in the query window...
eBooks CRUESP High Energy Physics Gauge Theories in Particle Physics: A Pratical Introduction , I.J.R. Aitchison and A.J.G. Hey, 3rd Edition, IOP Publishing...
The Guide for new employees. First of all, welcome to our team! There are some things that you will need: Create an email at for...
Encontro Nacional 2019 Datas Inscri...
# yum install kernel hugemem
adm.cluster e storage.grid down Description 07h25 e o Ganglia acusa a adm.cluster e a storage.grid down 05h15 min atras. O load da spg00 bateu em 318! O Nara acusa...
/var da SPDC00 cheio Description A SPC00 vinha apresentando problemas no var desde de 05/10/2006 onde o df acusava 90% de ocupa...
Phedex e OSG fora do ar. Description 07h44 e o nosso Prodution Component Status do PhEDEx esta down a 10h25min. O site da OSG tamb...
DNS na SPGrid Primeiramente mudamos o /etc/resolv.conf domain grid nameserver nameserver nameserver nameserver 200.204.0....
Limpando /scratch e /home. Description Usar o cron para remover arquivos antigos do /scratch dos n...
Email nos nodes Description Colocar para funcionar o sendmail em todos os nodes de processamento e fazer com que eles deem o forward do email de root para o spgrid...
Upgrade da Farm Description A primeira id...
Logrotate na Spdc00 Description O /var/log/srm spdc00Domain.log eventualmente fica gigante, enchendo o /var da spdc00. A id...
DNS da Spgrid Update Description Esta nova vers...
Migracao da Twiki para Sprace. Description Migramos a twiki da para o dom...
NFS nos Nodes Description Mudar o /etc/fstab em todos os nodes mudando o mount de NFS de acordo com o exemplo: #spg00:/home /home nfs...
Restart do Monalisa Description O Monalisa permite o monitoramento de nossa Farm. Para isso entre na pagina , entre na aba acima...
Editor WYSIWYG no Twiki O objetivo ...
Instalacao do novo dCache admin Description Instalac...
Workers com Load alto Description Um caminho da investigacao seria, por exemplo, o seguinte: 1. Identificar nodes com load1 numero de cores 1, para dar uma margem...
Instalacao do novo Compute Element Sistema Operacional root@sprace ~ # vim /etc/hosts osg ce.grid osg ce root@sprace ~ # vim /etc/dhcpd.conf...
Refletor para EVO. Atualiza...
Upgrade dos Servidores Description Certificados para a spraid01 e spraid02 Na spraid01 e spraid02 mdias@spraid01 ~ $ cert request ou s host
Localizacao das Maquinas no Ganglia Description Editar o file /etc/gmond.conf na linha: # The location of this host in the cluster. Given as a 3D coordinate:...
DNS no SPRACE Description O servi...
Logwatch por e mail na OSG CE Descric...
Desligamento dos nodes pelos nobreaks Introdu...
IP ou Range Nome Descri...
Para instalar o kernel hugemem na spraid02 foi rodado como root o comando `yum install kernel hugemem` SergioLietti 13 Jul 2008
Instalação do chkrootkit Como root: yum enablerepo dag install chkrootkit Para rodar, como root: chkrootkit SergioLietti 16 Jun 2008
Upgrade to OSG 1.0 We started our upgrade to 1.0: stoping our gatekeeper, in our computing element /etc/init.d/xinetd stop In our Computing element, getting...
Running Crab Description Crab installation cd /tmp/ wget 2 3 2.tgz tar xvzf CRAB 2 3 2.tgz cd CRAB 2 3 2 ./configure...
Troca das Baterias dos Nobreaks Troca das baterias dos nobreaks (UPS A1,A2,B1,B2,C1,C2,D1,D2,E1,E2, F1 e F2) realizada no dia 03/09/2008 pelo tecnico (Claudio Donato...
Upgrade do Phedex Description Uma upgrade do Phedex foi requerida para o nosso site: Iniciando na osg se...
Upgrade do CA Certificates Upgrade dos novos certificados feito seguindo instru...
Obtendo certificados para os servidores Esse certificado agora ...
OSG RSV troubleshotting Description Our osg rsv wasn`t reporting to central colector. We restarted this services as follows: /etc/init.d/osg rsv stop /etc/init.d...
Job Robots Troubleshooting Description NO DWLOD Cannot download default.tgz from gsiftp Also SAM tests were affected. In fact, we can`t uberftp
PhEDEx Shutdown. Description Now, to shutdown PhEDEx you need, at osg se: su phedex Master config ~/SITECONF/SPRACE/PhEDEx/Config.Prod stop Master config ~/SITECONF...
Desligar e Ligar a Farm. Description Desligar 1)Desligue o gatekeeper (na osg ce) para que a farm n...
How to commissioning a PhEDEx download/upload link. Downlinks First prepare our machine to receive the Loadtest (in this example for PIC) root@osg se ~ # cd /pnfs...
Glite installation for FTS transfer in PhEDEX Description First, proceed with glite installation root@osg se ~ # cd /usr/local/ root@osg se local # mkdir glite...
Limpando /scratch/OSG dos n...
Foi acrescentado ao script de monitoramento autom...
Recebimento de material: upgrade do cluster fase 3 Description Informa...
Limpando Orphan Files no Dcache. Descric...
Condor no Servidor Alice Description Come...
Gratia dCache Probe Description Install the required packages, in our storage element: wget 1/gratia probe...
Update do Squid Description Para o update do squid, na osg se, como usu...
node 64 bits para cmssoft Description Instala...
srm Troubleshooting. Description Limpando um pool Tr...
Storage Upgrade Upgrade /twiki/bin/viewfile/Main/EntryDescriptionNo77?rev 1;filename sprace distribuicao.jpg May be some general guidelines: First start configuring...
Restart do cluster da OSG Description Hoje as 07h20 a spdc00 respondia a ping mas nao entrava via ssh. Tambem o monitoramento via web acusava anormalidades: tanto...
JadirSilva 28 May 2009 Instala...
Replicar arquivo entre os pools do dCache Entre na interface admin do dCache, na osg se ssh c blowfish p 22223 l admin localhost Para listar os pnfsIds em um pool...
Delegar maior prioridade no Condor. Description Uma parte do servi...
Priorityuser . Description Our goal here is allocate 25% of our pledge resources to users with priorityuser voms role. The first part is make this users authenticate...
Queda temporaria no Cluster Description Sao 10h56. O ganglia afirma que somente a spg00 esta up. O painel frontal da SPRAID esta piscando. Entretanto o resultado...
OSG Security Drill Description Find the suspicious process, based in its DN, and kill them. condor q l userid also locate user processes: ps u userid...
PerfSonar Installation Notes. Description I`ve installed using rpm the following services in a local machine: SNMP Measurement Archive perfSONAR BUOY...
AmLight SPRACE Joint SDN Testbed at ESnet Proposal The proposal can be found at Joint SDN Testbed for Data Intensive e Science: LHC and LSST Team Network Engineers...
Estudantes de Inicia...
EVO Videoconference Contatos Maria Cecilia de Mello Amorozo Francisco Tel: 3091 6443 E mail: mcmafran #64; Allagi: http://www.allagi...
Experimental Collider Physics CMS Detector Professores S...
Extracting files from SAM by Greg Landsberg Last update on 22 Nov 2005 Introduction Here are instructions on how to extract (stage) files from SAM. They are applicable...
Number of topics: 157

Topic revision: r112 - 2024-04-17 - novaes

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