Foi acrescentado ao script de monitoramento automático uma rotina para verificar o status dos agentes do Phedex.

%CODE{"sh" num="1"}% #!/bin/sh function WriteLn(){ echo "$1" }

function ReportToTeam(){ echo "$1: $2" }



PROD_POSITION=`echo "$PRODUCTION_STATUS" | grep -n "$TIER" | awk -F: '{print $1}'` DEBG_POSITION=`echo "$DEBUG_STATUS" | grep -n "$TIER" | awk -F: '{print $1}'`

echo debg-position $DEBG_POSITION

if [ "$PROD_POSITION" = "" ];then SED_DATA="$PROD_POSITION,$((PROD_POSITION+3))p" PROD_CODE=`echo "$PRODUCTION_STATUS" | sed -n $SED_DATA | sed 's/<[^>]*>/ /g'` # PROD_CODE=`echo "$PRODUCTION_STATUS" | sed -n $SED_DATA` IS_AGENT_DOWN=`echo "$PROD_CODE" | grep DOWN`

if [ "$IS_AGENT_DOWN" = "" ];then ReportToTeam "PHEDEX-DOWN" "Phedex(production) agent down" WriteLn "Phedex(production) agents down." exit 0 else WriteLn "Phedex(production) agents are OK." fi fi

if [ "$DEBG_POSITION" = "" ];then SED_DATA="$DEBG_POSITION,$((DEBG_POSITION+3))p" DEBG_CODE=`echo "$DEBUG_STATUS" | sed -n $SED_DATA | sed 's/<[^>]*>/ /g'` # PROD_CODE=`echo "$PRODUCTION_STATUS" | sed -n $SED_DATA` IS_AGENT_DOWN=`echo "$DEBG_CODE" | grep DOWN`

if [ "$IS_AGENT_DOWN" = "" ];then ReportToTeam "PHEDEX-DOWN" "Phedex(debug) agent down" WriteLn "Phedex(debug) agents down." exit 0 else WriteLn "Phedex(debug) agents are OK." fi fi %ENDCODE%

Caso algum agente esteja down um email é enviado para a lista de discussão dos sysadmins do sprace.

-- JadirSilva - 14 Jan 2009

Topic revision: r2 - 2009-02-09 - JadirSilva

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