OSG Security Drill


  • Find the suspicious process, based in its DN, and kill them.
condor_q -l  userid
also locate user processes:
ps -u userid -U userid uwww
doing it in our CE as in our WN. Find open files and ports:
lsof -u userid -P
netstat -ap
After that kill jobs:
condor_rm userid
and kill process with killall process or kill -9 process

Remember to check cron and at as the infected user.

crontab -l

  • Ban the test user from submitting additional jobs.

As we are using Gums 1.2 (with gums 1.3 you can ban individual DNs) we can't ban a user based in its DN. What we can do is avoid her/him to submit jobs to our pool. In our condor master we added:

vim /scratch/condor/condor_config.local
DENY_WRITE = userid@grid/*
Remember to do a condor_reconfig -all We also reconfigured our SE, removing its permission to write in each gridFTP servers, commenting:
vim /etc/grid-security/storage-authzdb
#authorize userid read-write 0  171 171 / /pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/ /pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/

  • Discover the incoming IP address of the malicious process.
Locate its IP address using our gatekeeper log:
 tail -f /OSG/globus/var/globus-gatekeeper.log
searching based in its DN.
  • Do an analysis of the network traffic
After you found the aggressor IP monitor this traffic using iptraf
  • Do an analysis of submitted binaries
You can find the submitted binaries at
condor_q -l userid|grep Cmd
Also find open hidden files at /tmp and /home/OSG_app . Do this step in CE and WN.


Fulano em dd/mm/aaaa

Coloca o que fez.

Ciclano em dd/mm/aaaa

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-- MarcoAndreFerreiraDias - 28 Sep 2009

Topic revision: r1 - 2009-09-28 - MarcoAndreFerreiraDias

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