Instalação dos OSG-RSV probes


A instalação dos Gratia probes usando o OSG-RSV. Ele já vem instalado no pacote OSG:ce padrão. Só falta configura-lo. Como o usuário que vai rodar os probes, crie o proxy
grid-proxy-init -valid 720:00
Como root
cp /OSG/osg-rsv/config/sample_metrics.conf /OSG/osg-rsv/config/
/OSG/vdt/setup/configure_osg_rsv --user mdias --init --server y 
/OSG/vdt/setup/configure_osg_rsv  --uri ""  --proxy /tmp/x509up_u537  --probes --gratia --verbose
 /OSG/vdt/setup/configure_gratia  --probe metric --report-to
vdt-control --off osg-rsv
vdt-control --off condor-devel
vdt-control --on condor-devel
vdt-control --on osg-rsv
/OSG/vdt/setup/configure_osg_rsv  --setup-for-apache
/etc/init.d/apache restart
Dentro do /home/mdias/.bashrc temos que ter para ele não usar o condor normal:
export CONDOR_CONFIG=/OSG/condor-devel/etc/condor_config
O resultado pode ser visto em :


Marco em 11/06/2008

Instalação das probes, versão 2

[root@osg-ce ~]# . /OSG/
[root@osg-ce ~]#  vdt-control --off osg-rsv condor-devel apache
[root@osg-ce ~]# cd $VDT_LOCATION
[root@osg-ce osg-0.8.0]# cp -a osg-rsv osg-rsv-bkup
[root@osg-ce osg-0.8.0]# cp -a condor-devel condor-devel-bkup
[root@osg-ce osg-0.8.0]# cd $VDT_LOCATION/vdt/setup
[root@osg-ce setup]# mv configure_osg_rsv configure_osg_rsv.old
[root@osg-ce setup]# wget
[root@osg-ce setup]# chmod +rx $VDT_LOCATION/vdt/setup/configure_osg_rsv
[root@osg-ce setup]# cd $VDT_LOCATION/osg-rsv/config
[root@osg-ce config]# wget
[root@osg-ce config]# wget
[root@osg-ce config]# chmod -R go+rX $VDT_LOCATION/osg-rsv/config/
[root@osg-ce config]# cd $VDT_LOCATION/osg-rsv/bin
[root@osg-ce bin]# mv probes probes.old
[root@osg-ce bin]# wget
[root@osg-ce bin]# tar -zxvf OSG_RSV_Probes-1.7.0.tar.gz
[root@osg-ce bin]# mv rsv-probes-upgrade probes
[root@osg-ce bin]# mkdir $VDT_LOCATION/osg-rsv/bin/misc
[root@osg-ce bin]# cd $VDT_LOCATION/osg-rsv/bin/misc
[root@osg-ce misc]# wget
[root@osg-ce misc]# cd $VDT_LOCATION/osg-rsv/bin/consumers
[root@osg-ce consumers]# wget
[root@osg-ce consumers]# chmod -R go+rX $VDT_LOCATION/osg-rsv/bin/
[root@osg-ce consumers]# cp html-consumer.1 html-consumer
[root@osg-ce consumers]# mkdir $VDT_LOCATION/osg-rsv/setup/  
[root@osg-ce consumers]# ln -s $VDT_LOCATION/vdt/setup/configure_osg_rsv $VDT_LOCATION/osg-rsv/setup/configure_osg_rsv
[root@osg-ce consumers]# mv $VDT_LOCATION/osg-rsv/specs/global-specs/ping-host-probe\ /tmp
[root@osg-ce consumers]#  perl $VDT_LOCATION/osg-rsv/bin/misc/ --reset
[root@osg-ce consumers]# $VDT_LOCATION/osg-rsv/setup/configure_osg_rsv --user mdias --init --server y --ce-probes --ce-uri "" --gratia --grid-type "O
SG" --consumers --verbose --setup-for-apache --gridftp-probes --srm-probes --srm-uri "" --srm-dir /pnfs/ --proxy /tmp/x509up_
[root@osg-ce consumers]#  cd $VDT_LOCATION
[root@osg-ce osg-0.8.0]# vdt-control --on condor-devel osg-rsv apache 

Ciclano em dd/mm/aaaa

Mais comentarios

-- MarcoAndreFerreiraDias - 14 May 2008

Topic revision: r2 - 2008-06-12 - MarcoAndreFerreiraDias

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