ENFPC 2019

Informações Gerais

  • Datas: 01 a 05 de Setembro de 2019
  • Local: Campos do Jordão, SP
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  • Datas Limites:
    • Inscrições: 10/05
      • Data limite para os que desejam (doutores) apoio da FAPESP
      • Acréscimo de 25% após o prazo
    • Submissão de Resumos: 10/05
    • Pagamento de Inscrições: 31/07



  • Entre 200 e 400 palavras
  • Formato LateX


  1. Ana ( 0 / 0 / 0 )
    • Área: HEX - Física Experimental de Altas Energias
    • Título: Study of Mono-Z Production at the LHC as Evidence of Dark Matter
    • Autores: *Ana Maria Slivar, Eduardo Gregores
    • Instituição: SPRACE-UFABC
    • Resumo: The existence of Dark Matter (DM) has been inferred from its cosmological signals, what allows its search in particle accelerators experiments. Exploring physics beyond the Standard Model is one of the main objectives of the CMS experiment at CERN LHC. Given that DM particles should not interact with the detectors, such particles can be searched for in the form of missing transverse energy (MET), the so called mono-X searches. A simplified model is used to approach this kind of new physics, considering DM as a Dirac fermion and a new mediator between DM and SM particles as a neutral scalar boson. Due to the high mass of the mediator, if a Z boson recoils against it, the products of its decay will have large momentum and be collimated. The main backgrounds for a mono-Z search are ZZ, WZ and WW production, with a dilepton signature and some missing energy. This study will show possible cuts for the signal improvement over expected backgrounds. This preliminary work uses standart tools, such as MadGraph and Pythia for the generation, and the CMSSW framework to perform CMS detector simulation and data reconstruction. The reconstructed data is then transformed into the more compact NanoAOD format and analysed with ROOT, using the standalone NanoAOD-Tools package.
  2. Breno ( Submitted / 0 / 0 )
    • Área: HEX - Física Experimental de Altas Energias
    • Título: Search for the dark Higgs in High Energy Collisions
    • Autores: *Breno Orzari, Thiago Tomei
    • Instituição: SPRACE-Unesp
    • Resumo: Nowadays the idea that some type of Dark Matter (DM) exists in the universe is already very well-established, with numerous evidences from astronomical and cosmological observations. It is also well-established that no particle predicted by the standard model has the properties that are implied by those observations. Therefore, it stands to reason that some physics beyond the standard model (BSM) should be present, possibly in the form of a DM particle. There are many different BSM models that are trying to predict the properties of the DM particles. One of them is the dark Higgs model, where a heavy mediator $Z'$ can emit a dark Higgs ($d_{H}$), via the dark Higgs-strahlung process, and then decay into a pair of DM fermions ($\chi\chi$). The dark Higgs mixes with the standard model Higgs, which decays preferably into a $b\bar{b}$ pair and can be detected by modern particle detectors. If the missing transverse energy (MET) of the process is high enough, the bottom quark jets may merge into a fat jet, a distinctive signature that will reduce the amount of background for this search. The standard model background that can mimic that signature is composed of at least four processes : $Z+b\bar{b}$, $W+b\bar{b}$, Diboson processes ($ZZ$, $WZ$, $WW$) and $t\bar{t}, if the charged leptons are not identified in the processes containing $W$ bosons. We present here a preliminary study on the feasibility of a search for the signal generated by the dark Higgs model, mainly concerning simulation-based estimations of its background that will be detected by the CMS experiment of the LHC at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV.
  3. Dener ( Submited / 0 / 0 )
    • Área: HEX - Física Experimental de Altas Energias
    • Título: $K^{0}_{\ s}K^{0}_{\ s}$ Bose-Einstein Correlations in pPb@8.16 TeV at CMS
    • Autores: César A. Bernardes, *Dener S. Lemos, Sandra S. Padula, Sunil M. Dogra
    • Instituição: SPRACE-Unesp, KNU
    • Resumo: Two-particle Bose-Einstein correlations (BEC) are a powerful method for probing the space-time geometry of the particle-emitting source created in high-energy collisions. These correlations are sensitive to the quantum statistics obeyed by the identical particles involved, as well as to the strong and/or Coulomb interactions between the particles. This poster presents the first $K^{0}_{\ s}K^{0}_{\ s}$ BEC measurement with the data from the LHC Run II collected by the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment in proton-lead (pPb) collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\hbox{\tiny NN}}} = $ 8.16 TeV. The measurement starts with the reconstruction of the $K^{0}_{\ s}$ decay products (mainly $\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ pairs), which are presented in this work together with study of the removal of the background contributions. Since $K^{0}_{\ s}$’s are neutral particles, the $K^{0}_{\ s}K^{0}_{\ s}$ BEC are not distorted by Coulomb interactions, but can be used to study the underlying effects of strong interactions. The one-dimensional BEC results for the radius parameter $R_{\mathrm{inv}}$ are presented as a function of the pair average transverse momentum ($k_{\mathrm{T}}$) and of the charged particle multiplicity (N_{\mathrm{Tracks}}), for investigating the dynamical behavior of the emitting source. This analysis is performed for minimum-bias and high-multiplicity samples and the results are also compared to the BEC measurements for charged hadrons produced in the same collisions as the $K^{0}_{\ s}$’s.
  4. Eduardo ( Submited / 0 / 0 )
    • Área: DCE - Divulgação e Ensino da Física Nuclear e de Partículas Elementares
    • Título: SPRACE-UFABC International MasterClass
    • Autores: André Lessa, *Eduardo Gregores, Lucio Costa, Pedro Mercadante
    • Instituição: SPRACE-UFABC
    • Resumo: The International Masterclasses - Hands on Particle Physics at UFABC is part of the scientific dissemination action of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in partnership with universities and research centres in different countries. It is a 2-day event in which High School students and teachers have the opportunity to know scientific works and discuss concepts of Elementary Particle Physics with researchers in the area of High Energy Physics and of Science Teaching. During the event, participants work with real data produced at the LHC, analyzing some events in particle physics using software provided free of charge by CERN's organizing team. The results obtained by the groups in different countries are presented and discussed simultaneously in videoconference, conducted by researchers who are in the LHC. The day before the videoconference, lectures on particle physics and LHC researches are held, as well as other activities related to scientific dissemination. We will present the highlights of its 2019 edition, held on March 28th and 29th at Santo André campus of UFABC. It was the 6th consecutive edition of this event, started on 2014 by approximetly the same team, with support from the Dean of Outreach and Culture of the university.
  5. Isabela ( 0 / 0 / 0 )
    • Área: DCE - Divulgação e Ensino da Física Nuclear e de Partículas Elementares
    • Título: International Masterclass events at São Paulo Research and Analysis Center (SPRACE)
    • Autores: *Isabela Maietto Silvério, on behalf of SPRACE
    • Instituição: SPRACE-UNESP
    • Resumo: The International Masterclass is an event designed by Large Hadron Collider (LHC) researchers to promote science to high school students and show them how physics can be a fascinating subject. Students can have a day of learning, but outside the classroom. Events are held at universities and research centers so that students can have experience of what a Physicist's life is like, and that by studying physics it is possible to understand some of the great mysteries of the universe, such as: "What are the elementary particles that form the universe and how do they interact with each other?". The International Masteclass covers about 55 countries and around 215 Institutions worldwide. In Brazil, SPRACE had its first edition of the event in 2008 and over the years the number of participants and students only increased. In SPRACE, three different categories of Masterclass are held: beginner, advanced and since 2017, the feminine, in order to encourage students to enter science. In addition, an activity is held for the teachers, together with the beginner Masterclass, so that they can have a training and thus, in the future, apply the knowledge in the classroom. The beginner Masterclass is divided into two days, where the first is intended for lectures and discussions, in order to provide a theoretical basis for better understanding of the exercises. These are performed on the second day, and consist of real event analysis of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment. The results are discussed at a video-conference with other schools around the world and CERN researchers. The feminine Masterclass is attended only by girls. The activities are similar to the beginner Masterclass, with the addition of discussions and round tables with female teachers and researchers, with the purpose of motivating and encouraging girls in science. In advanced Masterclass the activities are concentrated in just one day, that is, in the accomplishment of the exercises.
  6. Tulio ( Submitted / 0 / 0 )
    • Área: HEX - Física Experimental de Altas Energias
    • Título:* Search for Dark Matter Production at the CMS Experiment through the Mono-Photon Signature
    • Autores: Eduardo Gregores, *Tulio Cardoso
    • Instituição: SPRACE-UFABC
    • Resumo: After the discovery of the Higgs Boson, one of the main focus of the LHC experiments became the search for beyond standard model (BSM) physics. As the name suggests, BSM includes a wide range of physics scenarios, like extra dimensions, supersymmetry, dark matter, and many others. Dark Matter (DM), as cosmological observations suggests, is suposed to be a kind of matter that do not have electric charge and do not interact with strong force. At the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and more specifically at the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment (CMS), the search is performed using many theoretical frameworks, like DM production in SUSY decays, simplified models and DM production in the decay of a Higgs Boson, just to mention a few. Since this kind of matter do not have electric nor strong charge, the detector can not record their production but it is possible to infer its existence by analysing events with missing transverse energy (MET). Simplified models are a good way to a general search. It consists in production of DM through new mediators, which couples the DM with usual matter, and needs few free parameters (DM and mediator masses, spin and couplings). This work present a Monte Carlo simulation study of the production of events with a final state photon with large transverse momentum and large missing transverse energy at CMS. This is a sensitive probe of Dark Matter since this signature has the advantage of being identifiable with high efficiency.
  7. César ( Submitted / 0 / 0 )
    • Área: HEX - Física Experimental de Altas Energias
    • Título: Two-particle Bose-Einstein Correlations Measurements in proton-proton collisions at $13~\mathrm{TeV}$ using the CMS detector
    • Autores: *César A. Bernardes, Sandra S. Padula, Sunil M. Dogra, Máté Csanád
    • Instituição: SPRACE-Unesp, Kyungpook National University, Eötvös University
    • Resumo: Femtoscopic two-particle Bose-Einstein correlations (BEC) are important in the study of the space-time properties of particle emitting systems created in hadronic and nucleonic ultrarelativistic collisions. In this presentation, we summarize the final results of an BEC analysis in proton-proton (pp) collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13~\mathrm{TeV}$ using the CMS detector at LHC. We pay special attention to events with high charged particle multiplicities (HM), where a ridge-like azimuthal correlation (ridge) was observed. The ridge structure in pp, also present in heavy-ions collisions and in these systems understood to be a consequence of the formation of a Quark-Gluon Plasma phase, is a topic of intense debate. Studies of the space-time evolution of these systems could help to shed light on the origin of these phenomena. Using BEC techniques we measure the one-dimensional size of the particle emitting region (lenghts of homogeneity) and correlation intensity as functions of event charged particle multiplicity, mean transverse momentum of the two-particle (k_{\mathrm{T}}) and the transverse mass of the pair (m_{\mathrm{T}}). We use three different analyses techniques for the measurements and compare our results qualitatively with some predictions based on the Color-Glass effective theory, Hydrodynamics models, and also with previous measurements from the ATLAS and the CMS collaborations.

Apresentações Orais

  1. Sandra ( Submited / 0 / 0 )
    • Área: DCE - Divulgação e Ensino da Física Nuclear e de Partículas Elementares
    • Título: SPRACE Outreach Initiatives and Activities
    • Autores: Sandra S. Padula, Pedro G. Mercadante, Valéria S. Dias, Nelson Barrelo Junior, Fernando L. C. Carvalho, Cleide M. Rizzatto
    • Instituições: Unesp, UFABC, Usp, UFF, IFSP
    • Resumo: The initiatives and activities developed by the S\~ao Paulo Research and Analysis CEnter (SPRACE) along more than a decade will be reported and discussed. They englobe the creation and widespread distribution of a poster about Particle Physics and the Standard Model, a publicly available video game, that introduces playfully the building blocks of matter, as well as the International MasterClasses coordinated by the International Particle Physics Outreach Group (IPPOG), related to CERN. These events have the goal to show to High School students and teachers how is the professional life of an experimental high energy physicist working at CERN. It starts by presenting introductory lectures on Particle Physics, on particle detectors, and another lecture for preparing the audience to analyze real data produced at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The data analyzed in the MasterClass events organized by SPRACE are provided by the CMS Collaboration. After analyzing the data, the students have the opportunity to discuss the results in a video conference coordinated by moderators at CERN. These activities at SPRACE are complemented by several demonstrations and educational games. SPRACE also periodically organizes workshops dedicated to the training and update of High School teachers and undergraduate students who become teachers soon afterwards. SPRACE has a long-standing partnership with the S\~ao Paulo Secretary of State for Education and with teachers from private High Schools.
  2. Thiago ( Submitted / 0 / 0 )
    • Área: HEX - Física Experimental de Altas Energias
    • Título: Machine Learning Techniques for HL-LHC Tracking in CMS
    • Autores: R. Cobe, J. Fialho, R. Iope, A. Santos, S. Stanzani, *T. Tomei
    • Instituição: SPRACE-Unesp
    • Resumo: The High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) is the next challenge in the HEP scenario, bringing the collider’s instantaneous luminosity to 75 Hz/nb and increasing in 5 times the amount of additional pp interactions in the same or neighboring bunch crossings, referred to as pileup (PU). At an average pileup of 140, in its standard configuration, the HL-LHC will deliver to CMS a data throughput of approximately 30 GB/s, doubling to 60 GB/s at the ultimate (PU = 200) configuration. Already on 2027, the CMS experiment estimates a need of 2.2 EB of disk, 3 EB of tape and 4.4M CPI cores, with only 200 to 300/fb of data collected. At the end of the full LHC + HL-LHC experimental run, the total collected luminosity will be on the order of 3000/fb. In order to deal with the increased amount of generated data and the complexity of the simulations, new techniques and frameworks have to be deployed and/or developed. In that scenario, the Deep Neural Networks (DNN) revolution can make a significant impact on HEP. These techniques are most promising when there are both a large amount of data and a high number of features. We report on the exploration of the usage of advanced machine learning techniques for tracking at the HL-LHC, using the same dataset that was used for the TrackML Kaggle challenge.
  3. Dener ( Submited / 0 / 0 )
    • Área: PHE - Fenomenologia Hadrônica e de Partículas Elementares
    • Título: CHESS - Complete Hydrodynamical Evolution SyStem
    • Autores: *Dener S. Lemos, Otavio Socolowski Jr., Sandra S. Padula
    • Instituição: SPRACE-Unesp, FURG
    • Resumo: The transition from ordinary matter (made by hadrons) to the quark-gluon plasma (QGP), where the quarks and gluons are not trapped inside the hadrons, can be achieved under certain conditions of high energy density and temperature. Such QGP state of matter can be created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, as those provided by the Relativistic Heavy Ion collider (RHIC), at BNL, and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), at CERN. One way to study the complex systems formed in these collisions is by means of the hydrodynamic model. The application of this model is based on the hypothesis that the system formed in these collisions rapidly reaches a state of local thermodynamical equilibrium. Recently, experimental results have been showing evidence of a similar collective behavior in high multiplicity events produced in small colliding systems (pp and pPb), as those observed in nucleus-nucleus collisions. The Complete Hydrodynamic Evolution SyStem (CHESS) is a phenomenological package designed to describe the complete evolution of system formed in high energy collisions of heavy-ion and of small colliding systems, both at RHIC and LHC. It employs the hydrodynamic model (viscous and ideal) in 2+1 dimensions. The structure of the package is given by three public codes connected by scripts in python language. With this code it is possible to calculate many observables to be compared with data, such as rapidity distributions, invariant momentum distribution, flow coefficients and Bose-Einstein femtoscopic correlations.
  4. Eduardo ( Submited / 0 / 0 )
    • Área: HEX - Física Experimental de Altas Energias
    • Título: Sao Paulo Research and Analysis Center — SPRACE
    • Autores: *Eduardo Gregores, on behalf of SPRACE
    • Instituição: Unesp, USP, UFABC
    • Resumo: The São Paulo Research and Analysis Center (SPRACE) is active in the areas of fundamental science, high performance computing and digital innovation. Created in 2003, with the support of the Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), SPRACE enables the participation of São Paulo researchers in the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). The center operates a Tier 2 (BR-SP-SPRACE) of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG), a computational structure that processes, analyses and stores part of the data generated by the experiment. The engineer team works on the development of the Data Acquisition electronics that will be implemented in the upgraded CMS tracking detector for the Phase-II operation of the experiment. SPRACE has several partnerships with the private sector to develop digital innovation projects, with emphasis on High Performance Computing (HPC), Machine Learning and Software Defined Networking (SDN). Its team has developed Kytos, the open-source SDN platform for network control that has been used in AmLight 's international link. Besides the analysis on Heavy Ion and Exotica Physics CMS data, computing processing, hardware development and the many spin-offs, SPRACE also has been pursuing a strong program on particle physics dissemination and education.
  5. Luigi ( Submited / 0 / 0 )
    • Área: HEX - Física Experimental de Altas Energias
    • Título: SPRACE contribution for the Phase-2 upgrade of the CMS tracker detector
    • Autores: Ailton Shinoda, Alison França, Andre Cascadan, *Luigi Calligaris, Sthefany de Souza, Vitor Finotti, Eduardo Gregores, Bruno Casu, Lucas Ramalho
    • Institutions: Unesp, UFABC, FEI, Unemat
    • Resumo: The CMS experiment will perform a major upgrade of its detectors during Long Shutdown 3 (2024-2026), preparing them for the operation at the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). The tracker detector will be completely replaced by a new design, designed to cope with the increased pile-up, data flow and radiation associated with the higher instantaneous luminosities. This design will make possible to use tracker detector information to reconstruct tracks and use them at trigger level-1, which is an unprecedented feature for detectors operating at the speeds and latencies encountered at the LHC. We introduce the challenges faced by the experiments in the future HL-LHC conditions, the proposed solutions for the CMS Tracker, the current state of the research and development work on the upgrade, and the contributions from SPRACE researchers towards this aim. SPRACE is developing FPGA and microcontroller firmware which will run on the backend systems of the tracker detector, that is, the off-detector electronics tasked with the read-out, trigger, synchronization, calibration and monitoring of the on-detector sensors and read-out chips. One of the most recent results is the integration of the support for fully optical remote operation and readout of tracker detector modules into the firmware used for the testing and commissioning of these modules, running on Kintex 7-based FC7 AMC electronic cards.

-- gregores - 2019-04-25

Topic revision: r32 - 2019-05-10 - denerslemos

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