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How to Access Data via Cafe by Pedro Mercadante Last update on 15 Dec 2005 How To Make a Processor and Access the Data via Cafe On d0server copy the following...
Strategic Planning Meeting Agenda Participants: Allan, Eduardo Bach, Gabriel, Jadir, Jo...
Strategic Planning Meeting Agenda Participants: Allan, Eduardo Bach, Gabriel, Jadir, Jos...
Strategic Planning Meeting Agenda Participants: Allan Szu, Eduardo Bach, Gabriel Winckler, Jadir Silva, Jos...
Agenda 03/Mar/2010 pauta: 14:00 Encontro nacional de f...
Agenda 27/Nov/2008 Table of Contents 1. Metodologia de grupo ~5 pessoas Pedro UED D0 ...
Agenda 19/Jun/2009 Lista de sugest...
Agenda 21/Out/2010 pauta: Papers do CERN: `Search for Quark Compositeness with the Dijet Centrality Ratio in 7 TeV pp Collisions` Lietti Updates Cesar e Tiago...
Analysis Tools Table of Contents CAF Common Samples SAM Root CAF CAF (Common Analysis Format) is a ROOT based format of all trigger and reconstructed...
ChepicsGroup Member list: Set GROUP SergioNovaes, EduardoGregores, HelioTakai, NeyLemke, PedroMercadante, RogerioIope, SandraPadula, SergioLietti,...
SPRACE Cluster Shutdown Instructions to shutdown the cluster: Shutdown workers: login as root at spgrid and run root@spgrid ~ # clcmd poweroff Shutdown spraid...
CMS Tutorial The CMS Tutorial sessions will be held at the Institute for Theoretical Physics (Instituto de F...
Dados da Fundunesp CNPJ: 57.394.652 0001 75 Inscrição Estadual: 112.308.414.114 SergioLietti 12 Aug 2009
Upgrade do dCache Procedimento seguido para o upgrade do dCache, da vers...
Disk Replication Receita para replicar discos SCSI dos nodes da SPRACE 1. Separar um dos nodes para fazer a replica...
ESP 2012 Number of Authors 8 Required Months of Service 8X3 24 Months Individual Pledges CMS Members Project Author Pledged...
VIII DOSAR Workshop in S...
XXXI Encontro Nacional de F...
Instalacao do novo Compute Element Sistema Operacional root@sprace ~ # vim /etc/hosts osg ce.grid osg ce root@sprace ~ # vim /etc/dhcpd.conf...
Refletor para EVO. Atualiza...
Para instalar o kernel hugemem na spraid02 foi rodado como root o comando `yum install kernel hugemem` SergioLietti 13 Jul 2008
Instalação do chkrootkit Como root: yum enablerepo dag install chkrootkit Para rodar, como root: chkrootkit SergioLietti 16 Jun 2008
Troca das Baterias dos Nobreaks Troca das baterias dos nobreaks (UPS A1,A2,B1,B2,C1,C2,D1,D2,E1,E2, F1 e F2) realizada no dia 03/09/2008 pelo tecnico (Claudio Donato...
Upgrade do CA Certificates Upgrade dos novos certificados feito seguindo instru...
Extracting files from SAM by Greg Landsberg Last update on 22 Nov 2005 Introduction Here are instructions on how to extract (stage) files from SAM. They are applicable...
Worker Node Node 74 Rack Location F09 LAN FQDN node74.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Subject: RE: UED simulation From: Greg Landsberg Date: Sat, 08 Jul 2006 19:37:09 0400 To: `Pedro Galli Mercadante` CC: `Sergio Lietti` , ``Eduardo M. Gregores...
Subject: RE: UED simulation From: Greg Landsberg Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 23:50:48 0400 To: mercadan #64; CC: `Sergio Lietti` , ``Eduardo M. Gregores`...
Subject: RE: UED simulation From: Greg Landsberg Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 11:24:16 0400 To: mercadan #64; CC: `Sergio Lietti` , ``Eduardo M. Gregores`...
Subject: RE: UED simulation From: Greg Landsberg Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 16:03:48 0400 To: mercadan #64; CC: `Sergio Lietti` , ``Eduardo M. Gregores`...
Subject: RE: UED simulation From: Greg Landsberg Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 01:16:05 0400 To: `Pedro Galli Mercadante` CC: `Sergio Lietti` , ``Eduardo M. Gregores...
Subject: RE: UED simulation From: Greg Landsberg Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 09:09:41 0400 To: mercadan #64; CC: `Sergio Lietti` , ``Eduardo M. Gregores`...
Subject: RE: We are here! From: Greg Landsberg Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2006 16:00:27 0400 To: pedro mercadante , `Sergio M. Lietti` , `Sergio F. Novaes` , `Eduardo...
Subject: RE: Bug in my program. From: Greg Landsberg Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 17:11:14 0400 To: `pedro mercadante` CC: ``Sergio M. Lietti`` Hi Pedro, I am...
Subject: RE: New version From: Greg Landsberg Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 19:41:32 0400 To: `pedro mercadante` CC: ``Sergio M. Lietti`` Hi Pedro, Looks good...
Subject: RE: Final (?) Version. From: Greg Landsberg Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 19:09:03 0400 To: `pedro mercadante` CC: ``Sergio M. Lietti`` Hi Pedro, Looks...
Subject: RE: Update on UED From: Greg Landsberg Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 11:12:48 0400 To: `pedro mercadante` , ``Sergio M. Lietti`` , ``Sergio F. Novaes`` , `...
Subject: RE: Update on UED From: Greg Landsberg Date: Sat, 04 Nov 2006 12:36:40 0500 To: mercadan #64;, Sergio Lietti , `Sergio F. Novaes` , `Eduardo...
Subject: RE: Update on UED From: Greg Landsberg Date: Sat, 04 Nov 2006 12:39:50 0500 To: mercadan #64;, Sergio Lietti , `Sergio F. Novaes` , `Eduardo...
Subject: RE: Update on UED From: Greg Landsberg Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2006 11:20:56 0500 To: mercadan #64; CC: `Sergio Lietti` , ``Sergio F. Novaes`` ,...
Subject: RE: Update on UED From: Greg Landsberg Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 21:58:23 0500 To: `pedro mercadante` CC: `Sergio Lietti` , ``Sergio F. Novaes`` , ``Eduardo...
Grub Repair Se, ap...
Higgs na ICHEP 2012 Informa...
Infraestrutura Barra Funda F...
Getting an Integrated Luminosity of a CAF Sample by Greg Landsberg Last update on 25 Nov 2005 Introduction Depending on the version of CAF data you are using...
GridUNESP: Kickoff Workshop Programa Quarta feira 10/Set/08 IFT (Rua Pamplona, 145) Hora Atividade 08:00 13:00 Inaugura...
Hola que tal! D Sergio Lietti eh um chato!!! ThiagoTomei 12 Nov 2010
Links To Do List GridUNESP Tem...
Lista de Despesas do GridUNESP Finaliza...
Luis Lopes 070514 Cria...
Monte Carlo Production for D...
Technical Meeting Agenda Participants: Allan Szu, Eduardo Bach, Gabriel Winckler, Jadir Silva, Jos...
One Day Workshop 071003 Local IFUSP / CEPA SPRACE Programa Hora Atividade Respons...
D0 Data Reprocessing D0 data is often reprocessed using the last version of the D0 Reconstruction Software in order to become available for analysis. Reprocessing...
Subject: UED simulation From: Pedro Galli Mercadante Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2006 23:50:11 0300 To: Greg Landsberg CC: Sergio Lietti , ``Eduardo M. Gregores`` , Sergio...
Subject: UED simulation From: Pedro Galli Mercadante Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2006 23:50:11 0300 To: Greg Landsberg CC: Sergio Lietti , ``Eduardo M. Gregores`` , Sergio...
Subject: Re: UED simulation From: Pedro Mercadante Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 17:12:13 0300 To: Greg Landsberg CC: `Sergio Lietti` , ``Eduardo M. Gregores`` ,...
Subject: Re: UED simulation From: Pedro Mercadante Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 17:09:56 0300 To: Greg Landsberg CC: `Sergio Lietti` , ``Eduardo M. Gregores`` ,...
Subject: Re: UED simulation From: Pedro Mercadante Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 12:01:53 0300 To: Greg Landsberg CC: `Sergio Lietti` , ``Eduardo M. Gregores`` ,...
Subject: Re: UED simulation From: Pedro Mercadante Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 16:27:47 0300 To: Greg Landsberg CC: `Sergio Lietti` , ``Eduardo M. Gregores`` ,...
Subject: Re: UED simulation From: Pedro Galli Mercadante Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 22:03:41 0300 To: Greg Landsberg CC: `Sergio Lietti` , ``Eduardo M. Gregores...
Subject: Re: UED simulation From: Pedro Mercadante Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 09:01:44 0300 To: Greg Landsberg CC: `Sergio Lietti` , ``Eduardo M. Gregores`` ,...
Subject: Re: UED simulation From: Pedro Galli Mercadante Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 21:53:03 0300 To: Greg Landsberg CC: `Sergio Lietti` , ``Eduardo M. Gregores...
Subject: We are here! From: pedro mercadante Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2006 16:20:52 0300 To: Greg Landsberg , ``Sergio M. Lietti`` , `Sergio F. Novaes` , ``Eduardo M...
Subject: Bug in my program. From: pedro mercadante Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 18:06:31 0300 To: Greg Landsberg CC: ``Sergio M. Lietti`` Hi Greg, I found a...
Subject: Re: Final (?) Version. From: pedro mercadante Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 22:04:27 0300 To: Greg Landsberg CC: ``Sergio M. Lietti`` Hi Greg, Hi...
Subject: New version of presentation. From: pedro mercadante Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2006 20:11:04 0300 To: Greg Landsberg CC: ``Sergio M. Lietti`` , `Sergio F. Novaes...
Subject: Update on UED From: pedro mercadante Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 02:02:41 0300 To: Greg Landsberg , ``Sergio M. Lietti`` , `Sergio F. Novaes` , ``Eduardo...
Subject: Update on UED From: Pedro Mercadante Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 22:23:03 0200 To: Greg Landsberg , Sergio Lietti , `Sergio F. Novaes` , ``Eduardo M. Gregores...
Subject: Update on UED From: Pedro Mercadante Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 17:11:45 0200 To: Greg Landsberg CC: Sergio Lietti , `Sergio F. Novaes` , `Eduardo M. Gregores...
Subject: Re: Update on UED From: pedro mercadante Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 21:28:16 0200 To: Greg Landsberg CC: `Sergio Lietti` , ``Sergio F. Novaes`` , ``Eduardo...
Projeto de Pesquisa 08 a ser inclu...
Reprocessing of DØ Events SergioLietti 18 Jan 2008
Sergio Morais Lietti E mail lietti #64; S...
How to Setup CAF at clued0 and Skim the Data by Pedro Mercadante Last update on 15 Dec 2005 Follow the wiki page setup (clued0 is a tcshell): ( https://plone...
Services and Shifts Central Shifts Instructions for the Run 3 Shifts Central Shifts (Run 3) General Instructions Short instructions for using shift selection...
SL Upgrade of SPRaid O cd de instala...
TWikiGroups #187; SouthamptonSprace Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP SergioNovaes, PedroMercadante...
TWikiGroups #187; SouthamptonSpraceGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP SergioNovaes, PedroMercadante...
SpraceGroup Member list: Set GROUP EduardoGregores, PedroMercadante, RogerioIope, SergioLietti, SergioNovaes, ThiagoTomei Persons/group who can...
SPRACE Workshops 2014 SPRACE Workshop Agenda WED THU FRI ^ (17/Dec) (18/Dec)...
List of TWiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the list by...
# SCRIPT: Cluster Monitoring Script # Date..: Mon 20 Oct 2008 02:48:13 PM BRST # Author: Jadir Marra da Silva # #################################################...
FirstName LastName Email WikiName Group David Romero Abad david.romero.abad #64; DavidRomero Student
Victor Warranty Phase Product Aquisition Warranty Nota Fiscal Phase I Smart UPS 3000VA RMI2U 13/...
Number of topics: 94


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