Subject: Update on UED
From: pedro mercadante <>
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 02:02:41 -0300
To: Greg Landsberg <>, "'Sergio M. Lietti'" <>, "Sergio F. Novaes" <>, "'Eduardo M. Gregores'" <>

Hi Greg, Just to give an update on what we are doing.

-> Background: We have a Cafe code running for DZero certified Monte Carlo. Up to now I have just tested the ZZ Bg and it looks consistent with our Pythia simulation. It is a factor of two smaller, I think due to the efficiency to reconstruct the muon. Actually cafe has a tool that allows you to correct the efficiency of the MC comparing with the efficiency for the Data. Since I am using only standard definitions for the muon it is ok to use the efficiency from the muon id group. This correction factor end up to be 0.5 due to various muon selection (and also for the trigger efficiency). I need to investigate better those efficiency (specially the trigger) but for now I will continue in order to have all the important bg, starting from the list on DZero note 5132-ANAL.

-> Signal simulation to the full DZero detector: I still need to understand how to do this. Today there was a talk in the new phenomena group from China and this guy presented an analysis on trilepton signal. It looks like they generate the signal using comphep+pythia. Pedrame Bergassa also has instructions to generate events from comphep plus pythia on the DZero MC web page. Comphep has an output format that can be input to DZero Pythia. It looks stupid to input Pythia generated events on DZero Pythia but if I turn off all the IRS and Hadronization and find out the right format for the event file I think it is a way to do.

Best, Pedro.

Topic revision: r1 - 2006-11-16 - SergioLietti

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