Subject: Re: Update on UED
From: pedro mercadante <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 21:28:16 -0200
To: Greg Landsberg <>
CC: 'Sergio Lietti' <>, "'Sergio F. Novaes'" <>, "'Eduardo M. Gregores'" <>

Hi Greg,

I think I am using the corrections for the muon momentum (correction for muon pt for tracks with out SMT hits, which is the default) However this is MC so it takes the vertex at (0,0) position. In figure 17 we can see the effects of using the corrected muon pt for calculating the et missing and the uncorrected one. For the Z-> ee mumu plot we can see that the corrected muon (red) peaks more at lower pt (but it is very similar with the uncorrected one). However the Z-> 4mu plot the red curve is a little bit broader than the blue one. I don´t understand very well this behavior. I am sure that both plots are showing the same corrections but I might look a little more to be sure what kind of corrections I am doing. As for the channels I am looking for the 2ss muon channel first because we thought that the jet faking an electron could be dangerous. In the bg study I thought I should keep the 2e2mu channel for some misidentification of charges. Also, I understood that you sugest us to look at the 2e2mu channel also.

By the way, did you look at Olaf Mundal talk in Hawaii? I understood that he looked at the 2ss muon channel for trilepton supersymmetry search.



Topic revision: r1 - 2006-11-16 - SergioLietti

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