WORKFLOW*{} -- manage workflows

  • Associate a "state" with a topic and then control the work flow that the topic progresses through as content is added. The WorkflowPlugin expands the following variables:
  • Controlling topics in the workflow:
    • %WORKATTACHTOPIC% - Expands to a link that lets you attach to the topic (if the user is not able to modify the topic, either in the workflow sense or according to the standard access controls, the link will be struck out).
    • %WORKEDITTOPIC% - Expands to a link that lets you edit the topic (if the user is not able to modify the topic, either in the workflow sense or according to the standard access controls, the link will be struck out).
    • %WORKFLOWFORK{...}% - Expands to a button that will create a copy of the current topic (see below for more details)
    • %WORKFLOWTRANSITION% - Expands to either (a) a pull-down menu if the user can perform more than one transition, (b) a button if the current user can only perform one transition, or (c) empty space if the current user is not allowed to perform any action. You can change the format of the button using a CSS class.
  • Querying the workflow:
    • %WORKFLOWHISTORY% - Expands to the history of state transitions the topic has undergone. The format of the history is dictated by the WORKFLOWHISTORYFORMAT (described below).
    • %WORKFLOWLASTREV_State% - Expands to the version number when the document was last in the state State.
    • %WORKFLOWLASTTIME_State% - Expands to the timestamp when the document was last in the State last state. For example, %WORKFLOWLASTTIME_APPROVED% would be replaced by the timestamp when the document was last in the APPROVED state.
    • %WORKFLOWLASTVERSION_State% - Expands to a link to the version of the document when it was last in the state State.
    • %WORKFLOWSTATE% - Expands to the current state of the document. It can also be given a topic parameter (default), in which case the state of that topic is returned.
    • %WORKFLOWSTATEMESSAGE% - Expands to the corresponding message in the state table.
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, EditingAndContentUpdateVariables, WorkflowAndAutomationVariables
  • Related: WorkflowPlugin for details
Topic revision: r0 - 2012-12-02 - TWikiContributor
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