LDAPUSERS{...} -- LDAP user information

  • List all LDAP user information. Information is drawn from cache and not from the LDAP server. Use ?refreshldap=on to update.
  • Supported parameters:
    Parameter: Description: Default:
    format="..." format string used to display a user record ordered list of $displayName
    header="..." header to prepend the output no header
    footer="..." footer to appended to the output no footer
    sep="..." separator between database records $n (new line)
    limit="100" maximum number of records to return no limit
    skip="10" number of records in the hit set to skip before displaying them 0 (nothing is skipped)
    include="..." regular expression a user's WikiName must match to be included in the output  
    exclude="..." regular expression a user's WikiName must not match  
    hideunknown="off" on/off, enable/disable filtering out users that did not log in yet and thus have no home topic (e.g. created by TWiki:Plugins/NewUsersPlugin) on
  • The header, format and footer format strings may contain the following variables and the standard special tokens:
    Variable: Description:
    $index the record number
    $wikiName the user's WikiName
    $loginName the user's login name
    $displayName a link pointing to the users home topic in the Main web, if it exists, and '<nop>$wikiName' otherwise
    $emails the list of all known email addresses
  • Example: %LDAPUSERS{limit="10"}%
  • Category: DevelopmentVariables, DatabaseAndFormsVariables, SearchingAndListingVariables
  • Related: LDAPUSERS, LdapNgPlugin, LdapContrib
Topic revision: r0 - 2012-12-28 - TWikiContributor
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