Tracker Definitions

Terminology Description
double stack two stacks separated by little distance.
layer one stack.
pileup occurrence of more than one proton-proton collision during a given time interval of interest. In general, the time interval of interest is a single bunch crossing; the "interesting" collision is usually the one with particles of largest transverse momenta, while the others are the "pileup" collisions. That is then the "in-time" pileup Notice that, due to buffering, collisions from both previous and future bunch crossings can contribute to a given interval of interest - that is then referred as "out-of-time" pileup.

tuple of closely spaced sensors.


stack member sensor of stack
stub correlated pair of hits in stack.

  • local stub: an object consisting of a set of hits consistent with high pT track. This is the type of object produced on-detector in order to reduce the data rate.

  • global stub: a vector object consisting of a global position and global direction. This is the type of object produced off-detector for the purpose of Level-1 triggering.
threshold selecting path by min number of stubs matched.
tracklet matched pair of stubs.
-- tecepe - 2014-07-29 -- trtomei - 2014-08-04


Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatPNG 360___a_stack.PNG r1 manage 18.8 K 2014-08-04 - 19:47 UnknownUser stack
Unknown file formatPNG a_stub.PNG r1 manage 34.0 K 2014-08-04 - 20:43 UnknownUser  
PNGpng stack_members.png r1 manage 21.1 K 2014-08-04 - 19:49 UnknownUser  
Topic revision: r4 - 2014-08-04 - trtomei

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