Software-Define Networking

This wiki contains information related to Software Defined Network (SDN) projects. Here, you will find important papers, links, hot topics, discussions and any stuff that may be important to share and study between technical staff.

SDN Testbed

As part of Huaewei project, we intend to build a Testbed based in SDN. This project aims to build a test bed to perform scientific research, proof of concept and deploy and evaluate new technologies (hardware and software).

Study Guide

In order to contribute to this project, we recommend an extensive study in following topics.

1. SDN

  1. Conceitos e Especificação OpenFlow
  2. Controlador ONOS
  3. Controlador POX
2. Flowvisor 3. Virtualização
  1. KVM e Libvirt
  2. Docker
4. Cloud
  1. OpenStack
  2. XOS
5. Python
  1. Libs e Ferramentas para Cloud/SDN/Virtualização


Following papers are about Network Virtualization using SDN.

1. Survey on Network Virtualization Hypervisors for Software Defined Networking.

2. Network Virtualization and Software Defined Networking for Cloud Computing: A Survey

3. An Evaluation of SDN Based Network Virtualization Techniques

4. Network Hypervisors - Managing the Emerging SDN Chaos.

5. Pairing SDN with network virtualization - The network hypervisor placement problem.

Following papers are related to a specific Network Hypervisor implementation:

6. HyperFlex: An SDN virtualization architecture with flexible hypervisor function allocation.

7. Flowvisor: A network virtualization layer

8. ONOS: towards an open, distributed SDN OS.

9. OpenVirteX: A Network Hypervisor.


Feb 17, 2017 - SDN All Hands Meeting - Download Presentation

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf Workshop_SDN_v02.pdf r1 manage 5096.7 K 2017-02-17 - 18:21 UnknownUser  
Topic revision: r2 - 2017-02-17 - abaruchi

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