Other CERN non-Member States (OSB)

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E-group: CMS-OSB-forum



CMS Management and Organization

CMS Constitution

Management Board

The CMS Management Board is chaired by the CMS Spokesperson. The Management Board through the Spokesperson is responsible for directing the CMS experiment and for drawing up policy. The organisation of the individual Detector Systems and Coordination Areas has to be endorsed by the Management Board. It has the mandate to resolve controversies - within or between the various Detector Systems and Coordination Areas. All important Management Board decisions must be submitted to the Collaboration Board for discussion and final approval.

All important matters relating to the experiment including safety, organisation and finance shall be discussed in the Management Board, either through its own initiative or upon request.

The Management Board is assisted in fulfilling its role by the Executive Board, whose composition is defined by the Management Board and approved by the Collaboration Board and which is chaired by the Spokesperson. The Executive Board is concerned with day to day tactical and technical operation of CMS, as discussed in Article 4.

The Management Board through the Spokesperson represents the Collaboration in dealing with other organisations and committees external to CMS, for example CERN as the host laboratory, the CERN Resources Review Board and the LHC Committee.

The documents prepared by CMS for scientific reviews conducted by or on behalf of CERN, which are required to monitor the progress of the experiment, should be made available to the members of the Management Board and Collaboration Board for comment before submission to the review body.

Regional Representatives

The Regional Representatives are selected by the Institution Representatives of the corresponding Regions as defined in Annex 8. The selection procedure and the term of office in Regions are defined individually by agreement between the corresponding Institution Representatives. However, for the Regional Representatives of Other CERN Member and Associated Member States Countries and Other Non-CERN Member States Countries the term of office is two years. In these cases a new Representative must not be from a country that has provided a previous Representative within the past four years. Regional Representatives may define a Deputy in agreement with their constituent institutes who may replace them in meetings. All Regional Representatives should consult regularly the groups of their Region and should convey the views of these groups to the Management Board.

At present, the following "Regions" are represented in the Management Board:

  • CERN, France, Germany, Italy, Russia and Dubna Member States, Switzerland, United Kingdom, U.S.A.
  • Other CERN Member State Countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, and Spain.
  • Other States A: China, India, Iran, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand
  • Other States B: Bahrain, Brazil, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Ireland, Kuwait, Lebanon, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Montenegro, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Ukraine
  • CMS Governance, Rules, Procedures and Guidelines

2.8 Search Committee

Temporary Committee of the Collaboration Board, which assists in the search for the best candidates for appointments which must be endorsed by the Management Board and approved by the Collaboration Board, actively seeks out nominations, and facilitates consultation

Its members include the Collaboration Board Chair and Deputy, the Spokesperson and the Regional Representatives of the Management Board or persons delegated by them.

The Regional Representatives, or their delegates, together with the Collaboration Board Chair and Deputy represent the Collaboration Board in the Search Committee discussions, and the chairperson of the Search Committee reports frequently to the Collaboration Board.

A2.4 Procedures for Election of the Chairperson of the CMS Collaboration Board

Each Regional Representative in the Management Board shall nominate one representative of their region for the Election Committee. Members of the Election Committee must be members of the CMS Collaboration. The nominations for the Election Committee are to be approved by the Collaboration Board.

  • Suggested timetable for election of the Collaboration Board Chairperson

At a Management Board meeting before a Collaboration Board meeting which is held about five months before the election:

  • The Management Board proposes the date and time of the election. The Regional Representatives are requested to nominate a CMS member to represent their region on the Election Committee. Nominations are made to the Secretary of the Election Committee, the CMS Resources Manager.

A2.5 Procedures for Election of the CMS Spokesperson

Each Regional Representative in the Management Board shall nominate one representative of their region for the Election Committee. Members of the Election Committee must be members of the CMS Collaboration. The nominations for the Election Committee are to be approved by the Collaboration Board.

  • Suggested timetable for election of the Spokesperson

At a Management Board meeting before a Collaboration Board meeting which is held about five months before the election:

  • The Management Board proposes the date and time of the election. The Regional Representatives are requested to nominate a CMS member to represent their region on the Election Committee. Nominations are made to the Secretary of the Election Committee, the CMS Resources Manager.

A3.1 Procedure for Considering New Collaborators

The Spokesperson will bring the matter to the attention of the Management Board, and in particular will invite comments from the System Managers and the Coordinators on how the prospective collaborators might be integrated into the experiment and will consult the appropriate Regional Representative. The Regional Representative reports to the Management Board the views of institutes who have associations with the applicant and / or are supported by the same funding agency.

A3.2 Security of Membership in the Collaboration

Should it come to the attention of the Collaboration Board Chairperson that an institute appears to be inactive, the Collaboration Board Chairperson will attempt to contact the institute. The matter may then be raised with the appropriate Management Board Regional Representative and the Resources Manager to suggest a course of action.

Guidelines for the Other States B Representative to the Management Board

Roles and Responsibilities

  • The representative should attend all the monthly MB meetings
  • Participate or indicate a representative in ELCO (Election Committee)
    • Search and selection of CMS L1 and L2 positions
    • Search and election committee for SP and CB Chair.
  • Provide feedback from the region in various issues and convey them to the MB.
  • In case you do not receive any response to the polls and/or calls for opinion in some matters, the representative must provide his/her own position since he/she was elected for the job.
  • In the past the members from the region used to meet during CMS Weeks at CERN. It used to be the responsibility of the representative to arrange for these meetings.


Other States B (OSB) are those states, countries or regions in the CMS collaboration that are not part of CERN member states, RDMS and USA, as defined in the CMS Constitution, Annex 8. The current OSB in the CMS collaboration are Bahrain, Brazil, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Ireland, Jordan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Mexico, Montenegro, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey (2016???) and Ukraine.

CMS Management Board is defined in the CMS constitution under section 3: “The CMS Management Board” and the board members are defined under article 3.2 “Members and Functions.” One of these members is a regional representative from the Other States B Countries and Regions.

Election and the term of the OSB Representative to the MB:

CMS constitution states in article 3.2 that:

“The Regional Representatives are selected by the Institution Representatives of the corresponding Regions as defined in Annex 8. The selection procedure and the term of office of Regions are defined individually by agreement between the corresponding Institution Representatives.”

This document gives the details of this election procedure and the responsibilities of the OSB Representative to the MB.

Term of the representative:

The CMS Constitution specifies the term of the regional representatives to the MB in detail in article 3.2:

“However, for the Regional Representatives of Other CERN Member and Associated Member States Countries and Other Non-CERN Member States A and Other States B Countries the term of office is two years. In these cases, a new Representative must not be from a country that has provided a previous Representative within the past four years”

The term of the new representative starts in September and lasts for two years. Five months before the term ends, the representative to the MB should start the election process so that a new representative is elected three months before the new term starts (CMS Constitution Annex 2: Election Rules, article 2.2 General Conditions).

Election Procedure:

The current representative oversees the election process starting five months before the end of his term.

Eligibility for Voting:

The current representative should prepare the list of institutional representatives eligible to vote in the election. Definition of eligibility is based on the Annex 2.3 and article 2.2 of the CMS which is given below.

Each member representing an institution or group of institutions has one vote, to cast on behalf of their institution(s). A vote may only be cast on behalf of an institution after it has been a member of CMS for one year.

In case of absence or any excuse, an institutional representative may nominate a delegate who may vote on behalf of the institution(s). The delegate must be a member of the CMS Collaboration, but could come from an institution different to that of the usual representative. A delegate may not represent more than one absent institution representative nor be a voting member; a delegate may therefore cast no more than one vote. The representative must be informed in advance about the delegation of the vote in writing (email). To qualify for membership, an Institution must have a total of at least three physicists paying M&O in the current year and have contributed to the obligations for Experimental Physics Responsibilities for the running of CMS at the commensurate level, as specified in the Memorandum of Agreement. An Institution joining CMS which has at least three physicists qualifies for membership but may not vote for one year and until the requirements of having three M&O paying physicists and for providing the commensurate Experimental Physics Responsibilities are satisfied. If these requirements are not satisfied after two years of membership of CMS, the Institution ceases to have its own individual representative. Institutions from the same country with too few M&O paying physicists to qualify for their own voting representative, may share one or two common representatives if together they have enough M&O paying physicists to qualify for one or more representatives, and the commensurate Experimental Physics Responsibilities have been carried out. Two or three such Institutions are allowed one representative; four or more Institutions are allowed two representatives. Each country participating in CMS, paying M&O, has the right to at least one representative provided that the country has also contributed the obligations for Experimental Physics Responsibilities.


The current representative should send the list of members that can vote to the OSB e-group mailing list and at the same time call for nominations. Nominations should be open for one week. Any OSB member except those from the country of the outgoing representative and the previous representative can be nominated, either by another member or by self-nomination.

After the nomination period is closed, the representative should confirm the nominations by the end of the next week by asking all the nominees if they want to stand for the election. Once a nominee confirms to stand for the election, he or she should send a CV and a statement.

If there is only one candidate who accepts nomination, the election will proceed, and the choice offered will be to vote for or against the one single candidate. The candidate will be declared elected if the 'Yes' votes amount to at least 50% of the votes cast. (It should be noted that in this situation, namely where there is only one candidate on the ballot sheet, an abstention counts as a 'No' vote.)


Voting should be done during the following two weeks through the web; email or Adoodle. CB chair and the Spokesperson should be referees of the election. Voting members should send their confidential votes to the representative and cc to the CB chair and the spokesperson. With the exception of these three persons, the ballot should be secret. If available, using an electronic ballot method, such as Adoodle provided by adoodle.org, is acceptable. In this case CB chair and the Spokesperson should be the observers of the election.

A valid vote is an email sent to the representative and the referees (CB chair and the spokesperson) with one of the candidates’ name. One delegate can only vote for one candidate in the Adoodle platform.


Valid votes should be counted by the representative and certified by the referees, CB chair and the spokesperson. The result of the election should be announced at most after two days of the closing date of the voting. In case of Adoodle, the anonymous voting platform tallies the counts and reports the results to those with the correct link. All the delegates who are eligible to vote has the link to access the results as soon as the voting ends.

A vote is generally won by a simple majority of the votes cast. If no candidate receives the majority of the votes, voting is repeated between the two candidates that have received the most votes. In the case of a tied vote, the representatives shall define an appropriate procedure to resolve it.

Other matters:

Additionally, according to the article 3.2 of the constitution, All Regional Representatives should consult regularly the groups of their Region and should convey the views of these groups to the Management Board. The Regional Representatives also serve on the Collaboration Board Search Committee in order to bring wide consultation across CMS.

The representative should inform the members about all the issues discussed in the MB with the help of the e-group or by holding a meeting at CERN with the representatives from the OSB institutions.

Owner of this e-group is the current representative and the outgoing representative should transfer the ownership to the incoming representative by the end of September, at the latest.

The e-group, CMS-OSB-forum@cern.ch, is composed of all OSB institution leaders, their deputies and open to any CMS members from the OSB institutions. Any list member may decide to leave the e-group or invite any OSB institute member to be in the e-group. However, adding a new member requires the approval of the list owner, the OSB representative to the MB. This approval is only for the purpose of verifying that a new member is from an OSB institution.

Past Representatives:

  • 2017-2019: Alberto Sánchez Hernández (Mexico)
  • 2019-2021: Erhan Gülmez (Turkey)

-- novaes - 2021-09-01


Topic revision: r13 - 2023-08-03 - novaes

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