Alpgen Production Summer 2009

  • Here we detail the CMSSW 3_1_X Summer 2009 Production, both at 7 and 10 TeV.

The request:

1) QCD Jets (20 M events) (requester QCD)
2 jets:
40 < pt < 120:          3 M
120 < pt < 280:         2.5 M
280 < pt < 500:         1.75 M
500 < pt:                       1.25 M
3 jets:
40 < pt < 120:          1.75 M
120 < pt < 280:         1.5 M
280 < pt < 500:         1.0 M
500 < pt:                       0.75 M
4 jets:
40 < pt < 120:          1.25 M
120 < pt < 280:         1.0 M
280 < pt < 500:         0.75 M
500 < pt:                       0.5 M
5 jets:
40 < pt < 120:          0.6 M
120 < pt < 280:         0.5 M
280 < pt < 500:         0.35 M
500 < pt:                       0.25 M
6 jets:
40 < pt < 120:          0.5 M
120 < pt < 280:         0.3 M
280 < pt < 500:         0.25 M
500 < pt:                       0.25 M

2) Photon + jets (17 M) (requester QCD)
1 jet:
20 < pt < 60: 8.7 M
60 < pt < 120: 0.3 M
120 < pt < 180: 0.3 M
180 < pt < 240: 0.3 M
240 < pt < 300: 0.3 M
300 < pt < 5000: 0.3 M
20 < pt < 60: 1.7 M
60 < pt < 120: 0.3 M
120 < pt < 180: 0.3 M
180 < pt < 240: 0.3 M
240 < pt < 300: 0.3 M
300 < pt < 5000: 0.3 M
20 < pt < 60: 0.3 M
60 < pt < 120: 0.3 M
120 < pt < 180: 0.3 M
180 < pt < 240: 0.3 M
240 < pt < 300: 0.3 M
300 < pt < 5000: 0.3 M
20 < pt < 60: 0.3 M
60 < pt < 120: 0.3 M
120 < pt < 180: 0.3 M
180 < pt < 240: 0.3 M
240 < pt < 300: 0.3 M
300 < pt < 5000: 0.3 M

3) Zbb + jets (0.4 M) (requester Top)
0 jets 0.1M
1 jet 0.1M
2 jets 0.2 M

4) Zcc + jets (0.4 M) (requester Top)
0 jets 0.1M
1 jet 0.1M
2 jets 0.2 M

5) Wbb + jets (0.7 M) (requester Top)
0 jets 0.2 M
1 jet 0.2 M
2 jets 0.3 M

6) Wcc + jets (0.7 M) (requester Top)
0 jets 0.2M
1 jet 0.2M
2 jets 0.3 M

7) Wc + jets (0.9 M) (requester Top)
0 jets 0.2M
1 jet 0.2M
2 jets 0.2 M
3 jets 0.3 M

8) BB + jets (7.5 M) (requester Top)
no specified information, probably the same as for 22X production

9) TT + jets (7.5 M) (requester Top)
no specified information, probably the same as for 22X production

10) Z + jets (2 M) (requester EWK)
no specified information, probably the same as for 22X production

11) W + jets (10 M) (requester EWK)
no specified information, probably the same as for 22X production 

Status for 10 TeV:

  • W + jets: done, uploaded to MCDB, except for W+5jets.
  • Z + jets: done, uploaded to MCDB, except for Z+5jets. Needs repair.
  • ttbar + jets: done, NOT uploaded.
  • POSTPONED for the 7 TeV production.

Status for 7 TeV:

  • W + jets: done, uploaded to MCDB, except for 1600pt bin.
  • Z + jets: done, uploaded to MCDB, except for 1600pt bin.
  • ttbar + jets: done, uploaded to MCDB.
  • Wcc,Wc,Wbb, Zcc,Zbb: done, uploaded to MCDB.
  • Photon + jets: done, uploaded to MCDB.
  • QCD: done, uploaded to MCDB.
  • Exotica Njets: done, uploaded to MCDB.

This is finished.

-- ThiagoTomei - 15 Apr 2010

Topic revision: r3 - 2010-04-15 - ThiagoTomei

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