Backlinks to TimeTablePlugin in TWiki Web (Search all webs)
HOLIDAYLIST add a vacation list to a topic The % HOLIDAYLIST% variable is handled by the HolidaylistPlugin. Syntax: % HOLIDAYLIST{attr1 `value` attr...
TIMETABLE add a timetable to a topic The % TIMETABLE% variable is handled by the TimeTablePlugin. Syntax: % TIMETABLE{attr1 `value` attr2 `value`...
TTCM{`time range,foreground color,backgroundcolor`} add a colorized time (range) to a topic The % TTCM% variable is handled by the TimeTablePlugin. Syntax...
TTTOPICSETUP add a default topic setup for the TIMETABLE variable to a topic The % TTTOPICSETUP% variable is handled by the TimeTablePlugin. Syntax:...
Number of topics: 4