Randall Sundrum Analysis at CMS Experiment A Log for Flavia`s work How to Run on Data LHC 2010 Useful Links Collisions 2010 Analysis https://twiki.cern...
D0 Data Reprocessing D0 data is often reprocessed using the last version of the D0 Reconstruction Software in order to become available for analysis. Reprocessing...
Alpgen Interface to CMSSW Introduction Alpgen is a generator for hard multiparton processes in hadronic collisions. It produces matrix element (ME) level events which...
Manycore Grid Architecture This topic intends to describe the architecture used to allow users to fairly share the manycore Xeon Phi serves. Architecture Description...
AmLight SPRACE Joint SDN Testbed at ESnet Proposal The proposal can be found at Joint SDN Testbed for Data Intensive e Science: LHC and LSST Team Network Engineers...
Email nos nodes Description Colocar para funcionar o sendmail em todos os nodes de processamento e fazer com que eles deem o forward do email de root para o spgrid...
Efficiency and fake rate of the cut based electron ID for Run 2. Samples Signal samples from the CSA production can be found in DAS, by typing in the query window...
Feasibility Studies for Upgrades in L1 Pixel Trigger Related links These are some related links with the studies for upgrades in L1 Pixel Trigger: https://www...