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Recebimento de material: upgrade do cluster fase 3 Description Informa...
Upgrade de mem...
Localizacao das Maquinas no Ganglia Description Editar o file /etc/gmond.conf na linha: # The location of this host in the cluster. Given as a 3D coordinate:...
Upgrade dos Servidores Description Certificados para a spraid01 e spraid02 Na spraid01 e spraid02 mdias@spraid01 ~ $ cert request ou s host
Refletor para EVO. Atualiza...
Phedex e OSG fora do ar. Description 07h44 e o nosso Prodution Component Status do PhEDEx esta down a 10h25min. O site da OSG tamb...
/var da SPDC00 cheio Description A SPC00 vinha apresentando problemas no var desde de 05/10/2006 onde o df acusava 90% de ocupa...
adm.cluster e storage.grid down Description 07h25 e o Ganglia acusa a adm.cluster e a storage.grid down 05h15 min atras. O load da spg00 bateu em 318! O Nara acusa...
Encontro Nacional 2019 Datas Inscri...
The Guide for new employees. First of all, welcome to our team! There are some things that you will need: Create an email at for...
XXXI Encontro Nacional de F...
Monte Carlo Production Fast Simulation on CMSSW 10 2 15 Preparation $ ssh $ cmsrel CMSSW 10 2 15 $ cd CMSSW 10 2 15/src $ cmsenv $ mkdir p Configuration...
Worker Node Node 68 Rack Location E19 LAN FQDN node68.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Group: My Links .ATasteOfTWiki view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners .WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki .TWikiUsersGuide...
Estrutura dos Cursos Ney Trilha Basica: Fundamentos de Linux (Filosofia Principais Comandos Scientific Linux) 8 horas Tecnologia para Grid...
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Central Shift Requirements Shift Accounting Tool Central weight points divided by expectation...
Group: ChepicsGroup My Links .ATasteOfTWiki view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners .WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki...
Computing, Software, and Analysis challenge (CSA08) Combined Computing Readiness Challenge (CCRC08) Final Results and Presentations plots on the job submission...
CNPq Universal 2018 Links Chamada Tecnol...
Worker Node Node 38 Rack Location C23 LAN FQDN node38.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 37 Rack Location C22 LAN FQDN node37.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 36 Rack Location C21 LAN FQDN node36.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 35 Rack Location C20 LAN FQDN node35.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 24 Rack Location C09 LAN FQDN node24.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 23 Rack Location C08 LAN FQDN node23.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Beraldo Leal E mail beraldo.ncc #64; S...
Group: SpraceGroup My Links DZero Page .ATasteOfTWiki view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners .WelcomeGuest starting points...
ALPGEN 8TeV CMS Production Samples Generated L (fb 1) N . ME / (sigma (pb) . 1000) L luminosity N Number of events available ME Matching Efficiency sigma...
ALPGEN Production in 31X Goals Test the Alpgen Prouduction Workflow in CMSSW 3 1 X Modus Operandi 1. Creation of ASCII LHE files outside the CMS framework...
AlpgenProduction2010 Top Group Samples: Type Bin Requested matched events Available matched events PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE Wjets lower threshold...
Group: SpraceGroup Links para monitorac...
Agenda 21/Out/2010 pauta: Papers do CERN: `Search for Quark Compositeness with the Dijet Centrality Ratio in 7 TeV pp Collisions` Lietti Updates Cesar e Tiago...
Agenda 19/Fev/2010 pauta: 9:00 Update do CMS Caio e Matheus dvd23pq 98g9gkbbm4 9:20 UED no CMS Franciole 10:...
Agenda 10/Fev/2010 pauta: 14:30 Assuntos Gerais 14:45 CMS publication drafts : http://cms physics/instructions/Instructions CWR.pdf...
Agenda 09/Jun/2010 Evo: do Evo Password: sprace cms pauta: 9:00 Update do DZero Pr...
Agenda 17/Abr/2009 Uma lista de sugest...
Agenda 03/Abr/2009 Atividades: Thiago: Update verbal sobre o trabalho no CMS Franciole: Apresenta...
Agenda 10/Fev/2009 Talks: Marco: ProdAgent Flávia: Análise V Jets Ângelo: UED com 2 muons de mesmo sinal ThiagoTomei 04 Feb 2009
Agenda 13/Out/2010 pauta: Papers do CERN: `First Measurement of Top Quark Pair Production Cross Section in Proton Proton Collisions at sqrt(s) 7 TeV` Flavia...
Agenda 04/Ago/2010 pauta: Hor...
Agenda 03/Mar/2010 pauta: 14:00 Encontro nacional de f...
Agenda 03/Fev/2010 pauta: 14:30 Update do Matheus e Caio do CERN: dvd23pq 92cjd7pngr 14:50 Update dos Alunos de Mestrado...
Strategic Planning Meeting Agenda Participants: Allan, Eduardo Bach, Gabriel, Jadir, Jo...
Agenda 11/Abr/2007 Table of Contents 1. General Announcements Formato da reuni...
AdminGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP SergioNovaes, novaes, santos, rogerio Purpose of this...
Storage RAID D Rack Location A21 23 Function Storage server Manufacturer Dell...
Server Node SPGrid node Rack Location A09 LAN FQDN spg00.grid LAN IP Address 192....

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