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Instruções para novos funcionários Instruções para novos funcionários em inglês ou em português. CassioCunha 18 Aug 2011
Worker Node Node 30 Rack Location C15 LAN FQDN node30.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 26 Rack Location C11 LAN FQDN node26.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 25 Rack Location C10 LAN FQDN node25.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Nobreak UPS C2 Rack Location C04 05 Function power supply for nodes30 38 Manufacturer APC...
Internal Switch Switch C1 Rack Location C01 Function Switch Manufacturer D Link...
Alpgen Production 2008 Modus operandi Alpgen ttbar N partons, N 0,1,2,3,4 ptjmin 30, 40, 50 GeV Library: 2Qwork Production of grid2 files...
Agenda 21/Jul/2010 Pauta: 9:00 Flávia: Simulação de Bósons Vetorias e Jatos AngeloSouza 21 Jul 2010
Agenda 11/Ago/2010 pauta: 10:00 Update das an...
Agenda 18/Nov/2009 Lista de sugest...
Agenda 19/Jun/2009 Lista de sugest...
Storage RAID B Rack Location A13 15 Function Storage server Manufacturer Dell...
Server Node SPDC00 Rack Location A07 LAN FQDN dch00.grid LAN IP Address 192.168.1....
Nobreak UPS A2 Rack Location A03 04 Function power supply for R D node, SPGrid right plug, RAID A right plug, RAID B (both...
Worker Node Node 14 Rack Location G19 LAN FQDN node14.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 13 Rack Location G18 LAN FQDN node13.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 26 Rack Location E17 LAN FQDN node026 LAN IP Address WAN FQDN WAN IP Address Gateway...
Worker Node Node 64 Rack Location C21 LAN FQDN node064 LAN IP Address WAN FQDN WAN IP Address Gateway...
Worker Node Node 63 Rack Location C20 LAN FQDN node063 LAN IP Address WAN FQDN WAN IP Address Gateway...
Worker Node Node 54 Rack Location C11 LAN FQDN node054 LAN IP Address WAN FQDN WAN IP Address Gateway...
Worker Node Node 52 Rack Location C09 LAN FQDN node052 LAN IP Address WAN FQDN WAN IP Address Gateway...
Worker Node Spserv 2 Rack Location A37 LAN FQDN spserv02 LAN IP Address WAN FQDN WAN IP Address 200....
Worker Node Spserv 1 Rack Location A35 LAN FQDN spserv01 LAN IP Address WAN FQDN WAN IP Address 200....
Internal Switch Switch SMC Rack Location A22 Function Switch Manufacturer SMC Networks Model...
Worker Node Node 77 Rack Location A07e LAN FQDN node077 LAN IP Address WAN FQDN WAN IP Address Gateway...
Worker Node Node 78 Rack Location A07d LAN FQDN node078 LAN IP Address WAN FQDN WAN IP Address Gateway...
Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) Documents Design Reports of Understanding 2 Site Names Boards Structure Resources Review Board...
Lecture1 PedroMercadante 16 Nov 2010
Web Notification This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this Main web. This is a convenient service, so...
Versatile Link Project Links Link Project Public Area The versatile link, a common project for super LHC, L. Amaral, et a., JINST 4 P12003 (2009) Parallel...
Header of User Profile Pages Note: This is a maintenance topic, used by the TWiki Administrator. The part between the horizontal rules gets included at the top...
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SPRaid Storage Node Plataform Dell Power Edge 2650 Server Processor 2 X Intel Xeon 2....
Randall Sundrum Analysis Package Introduction This package was built to analyse Randall Sundrum graviton production in the decay channel: G ZZ Jet MET Set...
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My Links ATasteOfTWiki view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete...

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