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Nobreak UPS A1 Rack Location A01 02 Function power supply for SPRuna, SPDC00, SPGrid left plug, RAID A left plug, SPRaid left...
Nobreak UPS A2 Rack Location A03 04 Function power supply for R D node, SPGrid right plug, RAID A right plug, RAID B (both...
Server Node SPGrid node Rack Location A09 LAN FQDN spg00.grid LAN IP Address 192....
Server Node SPRaid node Rack Location A16 LAN FQDN storage.grid LAN IP Address 192....
Strategic Planning Meeting Agenda Participants: Allan, Eduardo Bach, Gabriel, Jadir, Jo...
Strategic Planning Meeting Agenda Participants: Allan, Eduardo Bach, Gabriel, Jadir, Jos...
Strategic Planning Meeting Agenda Participants: Allan Szu, Eduardo Bach, Gabriel Winckler, Jadir Silva, Jos...
Internal Switch Switch B1 Rack Location B01 Function Switch Manufacturer D Link...
Nobreak UPS B1 Rack Location B02 03 Function power supply for node01 09 and switch Manufacturer APC...
Nobreak UPS B2 Rack Location B04 05 Function power supply for node10 18 Manufacturer APC Model...
Nobreak UPS C1 Rack Location C02 03 Function power supply for nodes21 29 and switch Manufacturer APC...
Nobreak UPS C2 Rack Location C04 05 Function power supply for nodes30 38 Manufacturer APC...
Computing, Software, and Analysis Challenge Computing, Software, and Analysis Challenge (CSA14) General Links Plans and Status (Joel Butler, June/...
ChepicsGroup Member list: Set GROUP SergioNovaes, EduardoGregores, HelioTakai, NeyLemke, PedroMercadante, RogerioIope, SandraPadula, SergioLietti,...
Nobreak UPS D1 Rack Location D02 03 Function power supply for nodes39 47 and switch Manufacturer APC...
Nobreak UPS D2 Rack Location D04 05 Function power supply for nodes48 54 Manufacturer APC Model...
Documents related to Sun Microsystems` technologies Table of Contents Sun Fire X4500 series server (aka thumper) Michael Thomas (Caltech) reported a series...
Nobreak UPS E1 Rack Location E02 E03 Function power supply for nodes 55 62 switch Manufacturer APC...
Nobreak UPS E2 Rack Location E04 E05 Function power supply for nodes 63 70 Manufacturer APC Model...
e Planet Program General Instructions Original Document From: Veronica Riquer Date: 6 April 2011 14:06:31 GMT 02:00 Subject: EPLANET update IMPORTANT! IRSES is...
Electric Power and Air Conditioning Consumption Ramon: Pot...
Localizacao das Maquinas no Ganglia Description Editar o file /etc/gmond.conf na linha: # The location of this host in the cluster. Given as a 3D coordinate:...
DNS no SPRACE Description O servi...
IP ou Range Nome Descri...
Recebimento de material: upgrade do cluster fase 3 Description Informa...
Nobreak UPS F1 Rack Location F02 F03 Function power supply for nodes 71 78 switch Manufacturer APC...
Nobreak UPS F2 Rack Location F04 F05 Function power supply for nodes 79 86 Manufacturer APC Model...
Incident Reports No Date Event Status 1 01/Jan/2009 Insert title here Entry Template Insira o nome do topico. Mesmo nome que o `Event`. Description...
Setup Network on a Woodcrest Server Steps to setup network driver as a loadable module on an Intel Woodcrest server (Intel 5000 series chipsets) Server specifications...
Technical Meeting Agenda Participants: Allan Szu, Eduardo Bach, Gabriel Winckler, Jadir Silva, Jos...
Setup Nobreak Daemon 1. Os nobreaks est...
Phase I Worker Nodes Plataform Infoserver 1252 Dual Xeon 1U Processor 2 X Intel Xeon...
Phase II Worker Nodes Plataform Infoserver model LX210 Processor 2 X Intel Xeon EMT64T...
Phase III Worker Nodes Plataform Infoserver model LX211 Processor 2 Intel Xeon Dual Core...
Previous Operations Agendas Agenda 15/Sep/2006 Agenda 19/Oct/2006 Agenda 20/Dec/2006 Agenda 04/Apr/2007 Agenda 16/May/2007 Agenda...
Technical Meetings Agenda 21/Jan/2009 Agenda 27/Fev/2009 Agenda 17/Abr/2009
Rack Dimension and Weight Rack 1 Equipamento Peso Dell PowerVault 220S (com HD`s) 4 x 35 Kg 140 Kg Dell PowerEdge 1850...
SPRACE Shifters Schedule 2012 Preencha os dados dos shifts j...
Services and Shifts Central Shifts Instructions for the Run 3 Shifts Central Shifts (Run 3) General Instructions Short instructions for using shift selection...
TWiki Site Statistics Monthly Site Statistics Data Month WebsTotal WebsViewed Websupdated TopicsTotal TopicsViewed TopicsUpdated Attach...
Useful links Coletânea de links p/ websites com instruções para procedimentos específicos RogerioIope 08 Apr 2009
SpraceGroup Member list: Set GROUP EduardoGregores, PedroMercadante, RogerioIope, SergioLietti, SergioNovaes, ThiagoTomei Persons/group who can...
List of TWiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the list by...
New Trends in High Speed Networking (HSN) Avan...
TWikiGroups #187; UpgradeGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP SergioNovaes, RogerioIope, AiltonShinoda...
Statistics for Main Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
Nobreak UPS C1 Rack Location C02 C03 Function power supply for nodes 71 78 switch Manufacturer APC...
Nobreak UPS C2 Rack Location C04 C05 Function power supply for nodes 79 86 Manufacturer APC Model...
Nobreak UPS D1 Rack Location D02 D03 Function power supply for nodes 55 62 switch Manufacturer APC...
Nobreak UPS D2 Rack Location D04 D05 Function power supply for nodes 63 70 Manufacturer APC Model...
Nobreak UPS E1 Rack Location E02 03 Function power supply for nodes39 47 and switch Manufacturer APC...
Nobreak UPS E2 Rack Location E04 05 Function power supply for nodes48 54 Manufacturer APC Model...
Nobreak UPS F1 Rack Location F02 03 Function power supply for nodes21 29 and switch Manufacturer APC...
Nobreak UPS F2 Rack Location F04 05 Function power supply for nodes30 38 Manufacturer APC...
Internal Switch Switch G1 Rack Location G01 Function Switch Manufacturer D Link...
Nobreak UPS G1 Rack Location G02 03 Function power supply for node01 09 and switch Manufacturer APC...
Nobreak UPS G2 Rack Location G04 05 Function power supply for node10 18 Manufacturer APC Model...
Nobreak UPS H1 Rack Location H01 02 Function power supply for SPRuna, SPDC00, SPGrid left plug, RAID A left plug, SPRaid left...
Nobreak UPS H2 Rack Location H03 04 Function power supply for R D node, SPGrid right plug, RAID A right plug, RAID B (both...
Server Node SPGrid node Rack Location H09 LAN FQDN spg00.grid LAN IP Address 192....
Server Node SPRaid node Rack Location H16 LAN FQDN storage.grid LAN IP Address 192....
Number of topics: 78